Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day Activity

Throughout high school I was a swimmer, one of the best on the team and on varsity all four years, I loved swimming, as terrible and hard as it was sometimes it was always worth it in the end. Once high school ended I got very sick the summer before starting college and not being able to swim. Since then I've tried getting back into swimming and trying out for the team at Lewis but I was not able to manage swimming with my school work, so I decided something had to give. It ended up being swimming for obvious reasons, since I really cannot give up school. I always thought that me giving it up would help things, give me more free time to study, do better in school, and enjoy that 'living college to the fullest', but besides me being able to keep my grades where I want them, leaving swimming is one of my greatest regrets and it haunts me everyday.

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