Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Paraphrase activity

Paraphrase Activity
Chang, Bettina. "The Ever-Evolving Difficulties of Giving Housing to the Homeless." Pacific Standard. 15 May 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. <>
“Part of the reason that Housing First began is that researchers have found the Treatment First model to be ineffective for those who cannot handle structured and restrictive environments—typically, those who experience chronic homelessness—since they are likely to drop out of the treatment programs and remain on the street.” (Chang)
1. The reason Housing first began, was the realization that other methods were not working on chronic homeless people, and this might be a solution.
2. Chronic homeless are the main reason for the evolution of the Housing first program, in a hopeful effort to provide structure for them.
3. With the previous Treatment first program not being effective on Chronic homeless, came the new program Housing First which hopefully would change the structure of how to deal with these homeless.

“The idea behind Housing First is simple: Housing is a basic right of all human beings, regardless of income or mental health status. As the name suggests, housing comes first, then other issues can be dealt with.” (Chang)
1. Housing First’s objective is to provide housing then deal with any income or health issues.
2. Having any health or income problems is overlooked in the Housing First program and allows homeless to have shelter.
3. Housing first supports the basic right of shelter without judgement of other life issues.

Heize, Hillary;  Hernandez Jozefowicz, Debra; Foro, Paul; and Blue, Logan "Reasons for homelessness: An empirical typology" Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 7.1 (2012) 88-101 Web 19 March 2015
“A substantial percentage of youth were not receiving services through shelters that facilitate transition to independent living, such as assistance accessing government programs and job seeking.” (Heinze 98)
1. Many youth are being sheltered, but are not being helped getting on their feet.
2. Shelters are being provided to youth homeless but not jobs and other programs to steer them away from a homeless lifestyle.
3. Teaching how to gain an income and independence from society is where many shelter programs fail with homeless youth.

“Wanting to make a positive change was highly endorsed by members of the threatened group, while those in the resistant group were least likely to indicate wanting to make a positive change.” (Heinze 98)
1. It seemed that different groups in the studies had different views on how to change their lives.
2. Abused homeless seemed more motivated to make changes rather than those who struggle against authority.
3. Recovery from homelessness seemed more wanted by those abused into homelessness rather than ex-criminals or antiauthority homeless.

                The needs of homeless are evolving as are the types of homeless people that stray the streets and parks of cities across the world. There have been many programs helping homeless such as the Treatment First, which would literally attempt to treat homeless with any health issues before giving them independence. With this program not being as effective and eventually failing came the Housing First program which became aimed at chronic homeless people (Chang). These Chronic homeless are people who continue to fall into homelessness or never get out of it. While it may be aimed at Chronic homeless it is open to everyone and will provide shelter so other more personal problems may be dealt with. During a study it was shown that people who are abused are the most likely to make changes in their lives while those who have problems with structure and authority are the least likely (Heinze 98). There needs to be separate programs that are more ‘specialized’ to different types of homeless. There is a large amount of homeless youth that can be helped to prevent lifelong homelessness, but lack the knowledge to get a job and become independent. More programs need to be diversified to help homeless in categories rather than as one large lump.

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